Jesus is central to everything we do at Our Saviour's Church. We sing, pray, and celebrate in His Word. Our past, present, and future is centered on Jesus Christ. Our purpose on this earth is to be as welcoming, loving, and open as our Lord and Savior. If you're new to Our Saviour's Church, we would love to get to know you. If you'd like more information please email us at
We are real people infused with a dynamic faith! Committed to a common vision of navigating life with all of humanity. We believe in a multicultural, multigenerational ministry. We firmly believe in serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. Our gatherings are casual and it is our priority to focus attention on God's Word, giving Him the glory in everything we do.
We are blessed, celebrating God's grace with joy! Our worship is focused on the word of God in song, scripture, and kid's time. Recommitting weekly to follow "The Way of Jesus Christ" in our thoughts, words, and actions.
We are grateful therefore we serve! Our Saviour's considers it a privilege to serve humanitarian needs within our local communities and well beyond. Come and see! We offer many opportunities for adults and youth alike.
Phone: 801-278-1412
Location: 2500 East 3900 South Holladay, Utah 84124
Family Service: 10am